Concern for Community

Concern for Community

(A Society Registered under Societies Registration Act)

Regn. No 20/2001


The violent conflict in Manipur since May 3, 2023 have internally displaced many families. We are supporting such families displaced in other parts of India, and are now struggling to meet ends. Your small donation could mean a lot to such families.

Encouraging organic farming among villagers

Social Forestry through Community participation

Campaigning against de-forestation of Hills and mountains

Campaigning against River pollution

Free Health Camp for women

Workshop on organic farming and its benefits

The hills behind the field deserve trees

Coffee Nursery at Narum village - initiative towards green economy

Turmeric cultivation - encouraging organic farming

Who Are We

Concern for Community is a Social organisation formed in 2001 to work in rural areas amongst poorest of the poor in India’s north eastern region, and other parts of the country. In the initial stages of our mission, we wanted to concentrate on education more than in any other sectors of our focus areas, because we strongly felt that education, particularly to the girl child, was one of the surest way of removing poverty and thereby reducing instances of conflict. However, we soon realised that condition of abject poverty was pushing the tribal people, who are otherwise the natural guardians of the forests, into destroying the forests even as their livelihood hinges on the forest itself. Therefore, from 2014 onwards, we took up the issue of environment protection alongside education as “priority focus areas”.  We however, continue to work on other areas such as women health, preservation & protection of tribal culture, empowerment of women etc. CFC’s outreach is primarily through spreading awareness, carried out mainly by conducting campaigns, health camps, financial assistance for schooling of children from poor families through payment of fees, purchase of books and uniforms etc. We also conduct free health camps to educate women on child health and health and the health of their family members, giving emphasis on sanitation, cleanliness and safe drinking water. Awareness campaigns are also conducted to educate the rural population on ill effects of deforestation and eco-system degradation. We encourage Social forestry with the help of village organisations, women groups, clubs and Church bodies in villages we target. We train young volunteers to be leaders of tomorrow.   


We Work For

Women & Child

Our Key Projects

Environment protection
Girl Child Education
Support To Poor Children