Concern for Community

Concern for Community

(A Society Registered under Societies Registration Act)

Regn. No 20/2001


The violent conflict in Manipur since May 3, 2023 have internally displaced many families. We are supporting such families displaced in other parts of India, and are now struggling to meet ends. Your small donation could mean a lot to such families.


Tribal people in the northeastern region of India depend on shifting cultivation as most don’t own paddy fields in low lying cultivable areas of their states. This mode of cultivation has been known and practiced since early days, but its impact on environment was within limits, and not as devastating as the present day large scale greed-driven deforestation. Laws have failed to protect forests, as the unscrupulous and moneyed hawks prowled over every patch of green pockets. Our effort therefore is to create sense of belonging amongst the tribal communities to protect their own village forests.
