Concern for Community

Concern for Community

(A Society Registered under Societies Registration Act)

Regn. No 20/2001


The violent conflict in Manipur since May 3, 2023 have internally displaced many families. We are supporting such families displaced in other parts of India, and are now struggling to meet ends. Your small donation could mean a lot to such families.


Lack of health infrastructure & facilities being common in most rural villages, people die of simple ailments such as diarrhea and common flue. Their ignorance on precautionary measures in preventing such sickness may sound exaggerated, but true, therefore at times lead to fatality. With modern day medicine and methods of treatment making foray into the tribal areas, though inadequate on all fronts, people no longer put to practice traditional means of treatment and the use of  herbal medicine as alternative. Our focus therefore is to tackle the very basics of Health care through education, sensitization and constant counseling.
