Concern for Community

Concern for Community

(A Society Registered under Societies Registration Act)

Regn. No 20/2001


The violent conflict in Manipur since May 3, 2023 have internally displaced many families. We are supporting such families displaced in other parts of India, and are now struggling to meet ends. Your small donation could mean a lot to such families.

Girl Child Education

Girl Child Education

Supporting education of Girl-child is one of the prime focus areas of CFC. Our outreach towards this cause is a humble one, extending financial assistance in the form of payment of School fees, purchase of books and uniforms. Target groups are those children whose parents are daily wagers, domestic workers and those who have reap crop to feed their families, particularly in Tribal villages. In some case, we provide volunteers to assist the children in their studies. We take care to ensure that we reach to children of poorest of the poor, so that deserving ones don’t miss out.  
